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Steinbeis Management Romania
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Steinbeis Transfer Management S.r.l.
CEO / Administrator
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The professional experiences in doing international business of Jürgen Raizner goes back to 1991. Working sessions as long-term expert as well as short-term expert took place in almost every country of Central and Eastern Europe. Jürgen Raizner has proven experiences in managing multi-national consortia of Technical Assistance in EU funded projects and managed major consultancy projects that included reporting to international board level and government secretary state level. He is used to be advisor to SME as well as to large enterprises of various industrial sectors. Jürgen Raizner studied management and logistics at University of Applied Sciences Nürtingen-Geislingen and graduated 1993.
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Steinbeis Transfer Center EMSEC
Engineering & Management
Steinbeis Enterprise in Cluj-Napoca
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Acting at the Technical University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Prof. Pisla is also the Director of Siemens PLM training center, leading PhD students in the field of Engineering and Management with special focus on Engineering: Robotics, Numerical Control and Mechanical Design, and Management: Change Management, Life Cycle Management and Holonic Processing Systems on the.
Having a PhD with double supervision – Acad. Prof. Dr. Ing. Horia Colan, Romania Academy and Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. E.h. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Dr. h.c. mult. Engelbert Westkämperand former President of IPA Fraunhofer Stuttgart, the professional experiences reach international level, especially within DACH area (Deutschland, Austria and Switzerland) but also with prestigious universities on all continents.
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Steinbeis Transfer Center
Energy Management
Alba Iulia
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Radu Matei Todoran’s professional experience is very extensive and begins before 1990, focusing on business management, marketing, human resources and energy efficiency. He has a PhD in Management and also master degree: one in European Administration and the other in Silicate Chemistry and Oxidative Compounds. He was project manager, long-term and short-term expert in various national and international projects. As well he leads an European funds consultancy office through which he has performed several projects. As lecturer at the “1 Decembrie 1918” University from Alba Iulia, he is also head of the Department of Business Administration and Marketing, having specializations in the field of Energy Efficiency and Business Evaluation. Moreover, Radu Todoran proves over two decades of experience as manager of the largest porcelain company in Europe APULUM SA.
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Steinbeis Transfer Center
at USAMV Cluj-Napoca
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Lucian Cuibus is an assistant professor at the Food Science Department of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Cluj-Napoca. His research experience with relevance was accumulated mainly in the course of his study time abroad as an Erasmus student and as a PhD student at the University of Bologna, Italy (Rank 51-100 in QS World University Rankings by Subject 2014 – Agriculture & Forestry), and also at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain (Rank 51-100 in QS World University Rankings by Subject 2014 – Agriculture & Forestry). The opportunity to work in Italy with Prof. Dr. Angelo Fabbri and Prof. Dr. Luigi Ragni and in Spain with Prof. Dr. Pedro Fito Suñer, three of the most important scientists involved in studies about the nondestructive analysis, microstructure and applications in food systems. The experience gathered in recent years is mostly related to the study of non-destructive techniques in Food Science and Technology (e.g. Infrared thermography, Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier, Dielectric spectroscopy) and local products (Slow Food, Community Supported Agriculture) . He has been part of several research groups, conducting studies on important topics employing non-destructive techniques. From 2017 is also the director of Agronomia Agro Food Innovation SRL, the Spin-off company of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca.
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