Economic Promotion

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For a business friendly environment

STM is committed to macro-regional development, economic growth and sustainable business.

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Concept of national and regional strategies and arrangements for promotion of economic development, in particular, of small and medium sized businesses

In cooperation with ministries and regional and municipal departments, we work out solutions to issues concerning business promotion, attracting foreign investors and permanent creation of jobs. All key representatives of public and legal administration, economy, education and financial system are involved. Basic actions bring long-term effect and reasonably add to your own arrangements.


Development and implementation of effective methods for national and international transfer of technologies

Steinbeis is a synonym for successful transfer of technologies. Our network in Romania is growing. We are delighted to share experiences.


Training of the Romanian experts from the areas of industry, research and public administration

We offer advanced training events which would fit your individual interests, either in Germany or in Romania. Examples of topics are as follows: creation of functioning process of the exchange of technologies, arrangements for export promotion, strengthening of small and medium-sized business, attracting investors, etc. According the needs, we engage experts from other Centers of Steinbeis Network.


Project management and international consortium management (Technical Assistance) in promotion projects

STM Director Jürgen Raizner knows methods and requirements of publicly funded projects. By combining his experience of Steinbeis management and teaching activities in relation to project management he guarantees the successful project work.


Assistance in finding cooperation partners from sectors economy, research, education and management

At your discretion we will identify most suitable partners for you and will come into direct contact with them. Moreover, we ourselves will be pleased to act as your project partners.


Organizing and executing business-to-business events in Romania, Germany and whole Europe

Meetings of the German and Romanian enterprises are effective supplement to the promotion of economic development of both parties. We attract participants, select suitable partners for negotiations and assume organizational works.
